Getting started - Cloud

Getting started - Cloud


You have to be a Site Admin or Org Admin to have permission to install and use the app.

On this page

Activate the application

All user and activity information is read from your company’s Atlassian instance via product APIs.

Set up API credentials

To connect the app to your Atlassian instance it needs information about your Organization ID and an API key that is generated in the Atlassian admin interface. To do this:

  1. Go to admin.atlassian.com

  2. Select the site you installed the app on: (<name of your Atlassian organization>)

  3. Under the settings tab, select API Keys

  4. Click 'Create API key', give it a name and set expiration date. We recommend to set the expiration date to 12 months from the creation date since it has to be recreated when expired.

  5. Copy the Organization ID and API key and paste them into the next form in this app

  6. Click 'Save settings' to save the API key and Organization ID

Define the licensing groups to be included in cleanups

Licensing groups are defined in the Atlassian instance and are used to assign product access. For automated cleanup scheduling to work optimally it is important to use licensing groups with only one product, ie. to avoid defining groups that assign its users to more than one product.

Atlassian cloud user groups.png
  • If you want all your company’s licensing groups to be eligible for automated cleaning you select “Import product access groups from Atlassian”. This is done automatically by default when installing the app.

  • If your intention is to use the app to automate cleanups for subsets of your company’s users, for example people with guest access, you have the option to select the relevant groups in the dropdown menu.


The application Dashboard

The objective of the dashboard is to give you instant insight into you user base’s activity patterns

The horizontal bar at the top of the dashboard gives an instant visual overview of the activity levels for the company’s users, categorised in protected users (🔵 blue), active (🟢 green), inactive (🔴 red) and low usage (🟡 yellow). Because all companies are different the activity limits for each category are configurable in order to make the graph relevant to your organisation.

The protected users 🔵 are the users in any of the groups marked as protected in the Settings page. By default these are org-admins and site-admins.

At the bottom of the dashboard you can easily see how many Jira and Jira Service Management licenses that your company currently pay for and an overview of the next upcoming cleanup schedules.


Customize the dashboard to your company

The activity limits that determines if a user is classified as “green”, “red” or “yellow” on the dashboard are defined in Settings → Activity Thresholds. If you don’t define company-specific values the graph is created using default values.

The default values are:

  • Active user (“green”): last activity registered within the past 15 days

  • Inactive user (“red”): last activity registered at least 30 days ago

  • Low usage user (“yellow”): last activity registered between 15 and 30 days ago

    Configure dashboard illustration.png

Upon installation, the app will synchronise users from the Atlassian Cloud host product. The dashboard will be populated as soon as the first synchronization is done.

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