Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.27.x release notes

We are pleased to announce Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.27.

Compatible applications

In general, the latest version of Kantega SSO Enterprise is compatible with the oldest version that has not reached end of life. See Atlassian’s End-of-life (EOL) policy to get an overview of versions and EOL dates.


Changes in 6.27.0

Jul 23, 2024 09:00 CEST

Release summary: Make users in cloud sync directories read-only and other improvements


  • scimMake user details like username, name and e-mail read-only for users in cloud sync directories

  • Improved GUI on HTTP Basic Auth page for better understanding

  • Security improvements and library upgrades

Bug fixes

  • api tokens Fix token names listed on API Tokes page

  • scimRemove errors in log related to SCIM user and group searches

  • user cleanup Fix links in menu for User cleanup/JSM cleanup

  • KerberosFix $key.realm shown on Kerberos test page

  • Remove error in log from Avatar sync job