Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.2.x release notes

Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.2.x release notes

It is our great pleasure to announce Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.2.

Read the update notes for important information about this release if you’re updating from 5.x or 4.x, and see the full changelog below.

Compatible applications

In general, the latest version of Kantega SSO Enterprise is compatible with the oldest version that has not been ended of life. See Atlassian’s End-of-life (EOL) policy to get an overview of versions and EOL dates.


Compatible from Server version

Compatible from Data Center version


Compatible from Server version

Compatible from Data Center version














Changes in 6.2.3

Nov 28, 2022 21:30 CET

Bug fix: SAML certificate expired warning crashes the config status endpoint

Bug fixes

  • config update Calls to the /rest/ksso/internal/config/1.0/status REST endpoint, which is invoked whenever a configuration update is needed, will crash with a FileNotFoundException when on an instance where SAML is not configured in Kantega SSO Enterprise, since the Kantega SSO SAML warning made an incorrect assumption about a certificate file being present in the file system.

Changes in 6.2.2

Nov 24, 2022 14:30 CET

Special release for Jira. Retry bugfix release for Jira server due to Atlassian Marketplace API failure

Bug fixes

See bug fix description in 6.2.1 above. We had to release another patch since the Atlassian Marketplace API is unstable and failed after successfully releasing the DC version of 6.2.1 to Jira. Unfortunately there is no way to upload the server version of the same app version after the fact, so we had to rebuild the code with an incremented version in attempt to also publish the Server version.

Changes in 6.2.1

Nov 24, 2022 14:00 CET

Bug fix: SAML certificate expired warning crashes non-saml configs

Bug fixes

  • global config Visiting any admin page will crash with a FileNotFoundException when on an instance where SAML is not configured in Kantega SSO Enterprise, since the Kantega SSO SAML warning made an incorrect assumption about a certificate file being present in the file system.

Changes in 6.2.0

Nov 23, 2022 9:00 CET

JIT user provisioning improvements and new SAML certificate expired warning


  • saml Kantega SSO Enterprise will now give a visible warning when the SAML request signing certificate is about to expire. This will allow you to renew the certificate well before expiry, and avoid SAML being broken at any point.


  • saml Include the target URL in the HTTP session for Identity Providers that are unable to send the correct target URL back with the relay state

  • saml/oidc Just-in-time (JIT) provisioning now allows you to update names and emails separately, while previouly both could only be updated at the same time.

Bug fixes

  • SAML/OIDC During JIT provisioning, when reactivating a deactivated user, the name and email were updated even if the settings said that name and email are not supposed to be updated from the claims.

  • SAML/OIDC Test result page had a weakness with default values of email and name attribute

  • The MSTeams security filter unintentionally blocked JSM knowledgebase lookup.

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