Kantega SSO Documentation

Kantega SSO provides a range of applications designed to simplify login to the Atlassian software suite while providing system administrators with a comprehensive and adaptive security layer to control identity access management. In this document library you will find information about our products as well as examples of how other customers have solved their problems using Kantega SSO.

If you are wondering about how Kantega SSO can solve your use case, don’t hesitate to either contact our help desk or book a demo meeting! Our dedicated developers are happy to help you find a solution that works for your environment.


Available for:


Customer stories




Windows Authentication (Kerberos)

Give users in Active Directory environments and on trusted networks access to Atlassian environments without using usernames or passwords. Read more



SAML and OpenID Connect

Give users SSO from any client and across remote networks. Follow our setup guides to integrate Atlassian environments with any SAML or OpenID Connect identity provider. Read more


Cloud user provisioning

Avoid duplicate user and permission management. If you manage user accounts and permissions in a cloud service, you can set up API connectors or SCIM to continuously synchronize user directory. Read more


API Tokens ​

Allow remote clients to interact with Atlassian APIs without exposing users' login credentials. Read more


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Common questions regarding configuration, licensing, and pricing. Read more


Compatible with most identity providers, including: