Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.1.x release notes

It is our great pleasure to announce Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.1.

Read the update notes for important information about this release if you’re updating from 5.x or 4.x, and see the full changelog below.

Compatible applications

In general, the latest version of Kantega SSO Enterprise is compatible with the oldest version that has not been ended of life. See Atlassian’s End-of-life (EOL) policy to get an overview of versions and EOL dates.


Compatible from Server version

Compatible from Data Center version


Compatible from Server version

Compatible from Data Center version














Kantega SSO Enterprise takes steps toward being a more complete user management tool. User cleanup in combination with just-in-time user provisioning powers a smooth automatic user management in Jira.

Changes in 6.1.3

Nov 15, 2022 14:00 CET


  • bamboo Added decryption of LDAP password in Bamboo to fix LDAP connection after encryption was introduced in 9.0.3.

Dependency updates

  • Updated a library with jackson-databind dependency that patches CVE-2022-42003

Changes in 6.1.2

Nov 11, 2022 19:30 CET

Fix: Changed log level from error to debug on user not found


The debug level was error on user not found, which lead to too much noise in the logs.

Changes in 6.1.1

Nov 8, 2022 19:00 CET

Improvements, dependency updates and bug fixes


  • saml Offer ACS URL validator in wizard for OneLogin, as this is a required field in the OneLogin SAML setup

  • saml Save target URL in HTTP session for IDPs that are unable to give the correct relayState back after redirect. Use proper UTF-8 encoding for sending relay state URLs to IDP.

  • websudo More logging for websudo and minor improvement to SSO-websudo flow

  • kerberos Improve Kerberos test page with more insights when DNS lookup fails

Bug fixes

  • SCIM Backup / restore of SCIM was broken in 6.1.0 due to a deserialization and file-handling issue.

  • common The authentication menu item turned up twice in the Common tab for global settings

Dependency updates

  • Minor npm packages patched with npm audit. Due do incompatibilities with @emotion/utils in different @atlaskit packages, we had to add a temporary override to even build npm. This will hopefully be unneccessary soon.

  • New minor versions of maven packages

Changes in 6.1.0

Oct 20, 2022 11:00 CET

Cleanup inactive users, improvements and bug fixes


  • user cleanup Found in the Common tab. Cleanup inactive users automatically. Combines well with Just-in-time user provisioning to automatically keep active accounts licensed, but disabling or de-licensing user that haven’t logged in for a while. Can also configure a schedule that checks in a configurable interval for users that have gone inactive. The user cleanup feature also offers a REST API that can be used if you’d like to perform automation with scrips.


  • kerberos Improve Kerberos test page with a check of inconsistent base URL that indicates incorrect proxy config.

Bug fixes

  • SAML/OIDC IDP setup drafts were not deleted on Windows server due to an unreleased lock that came from an unclosed resource.

  • SAML/OIDC Test result page had a weakness with default values of email and name attribute