Storage of Kantega SSO configuration

Storage of Kantega SSO configuration

Kantega SSO’s configuration are stored in the following places:

  • {application_home}/kerberos: Files related to federated SSO (SAML&OIDC), Kerberos, cloud user provisioning. Files used as on/off buttons are also located here, for example, if traditional login is prevented, then this folder will also contain prevent_username_password_login.txt. This is to allow administrators to disable some security measures if they manage to lock themselves out of the product.

  • {application_home}/kerberos_snapshots: Backups of your Kantega SSO configuration.

  • The general configuration for Kantega SSO is stored within the Atlassian application’s database in tables that vary depending on the application.

    • Jira: propertyentry & propertystring

    • Confluence: bandana

    • Bitbucket: plugin_setting

    • Bamboo: bandana

  • API tokens are also stored in the database, but are always stored in AO_{variable}_API_TOKEN_V570 and AO_{variable}_API_TOKEN_V570_ID_seq