Kantega SSO 5.2.0 REST API

Kantega SSO 5.2.0 REST API

This is a legacy documentation page for an older version of Kantega SSO. See the latest version of the REST API documentation here: Kantega SSO Enterprise REST API

Starting with version 5.2 Kantega SSO Enterprise introduces REST API for managing plugin configuration. Our plugin exposes REST resources under /ksso/api path.
There is a neat plugin from Atlassian for discovery and testing of REST services that you can use for running requests on your Jira installation, you can get it here:
Atlassian REST API Browser | Atlassian Marketplace
You can find our APIs by searching for ksso/api and unchecking the “show only public APIs” checkbox

The available services are:
Without parameter will automatically generate a description like:
You can also provide a description to tag the snapshot with more info:

Returns a list of available snapshots

Restores the snapshot with id sso-snapshot-2021-12-02-19_51_50. The description does not affect the id, so it’s best to retrieve the id of a snapshot with a specific description by running GET /rest/ksso/api/snapshot/1.0/config/snapshot/ and filtering the results with a specific description.


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