IDP REST resources (latest)

When developing integrations, it’s useful to test the endpoints with:

Disabling search for only public api and searching for “ksso” should reveal endpoints provided by
Kantega SSO.


Gets information of all identity Providers configured in Kantega SSO, both active and inactive.

The authenticated user must have the SYS_ADMIN permission to call this resource.






Status 200

Returns a list of identity Providers.

[ { "id": "1ncq3jsPC74BGuNnfZPl", "name": "AD FS" }, ...


Status: 401

Returned if the user does not have system admin permission



Gets information about KSSO idp managed groups configuration

The authenticated user must have the SYS_ADMIN permission to call this resource.




Example :https://<atlassian-product-base-url>/rest/ksso/api/idp/1.0/managedgroups/{idpId}/groups


Status: 200

Returns a list of all managed groups for the specified IDP


Status: 401

Returned if the user does not have system admin permission.


Adds a new managed group associated with the Identity Provider.

The authenticated user must have the SYS_ADMIN permission to call this resource.


Use this method to include a new managed group to an existing IDP configuration. This can be beneficial in cases where access management and permissions based on group associations within an Identity Provider become critical. Before invoking this method, ensure that the IDP specified by the `idpId` already exists. If the IDP does not exist, or if the `addManagedGroup` name is already used, this operation might not succeed.
The `idpId` and `addManagedGroup` must not be empty for the addition to be successful.
Note that this method only handles the addition of the group and does not verify if the IDP has existing associations or configurations that might conflict. Use {@link IdpConfigResource} /rest/ksso/api/idp/1.0/idp/ids to obtain the list of existing IDPs.


Example :

POST https://<atlassian-product-base-url>/rest/ksso/api/idp/1.0/<idpid>/groups/<groupName>

Request Body:


Status: 204

Returned if the new managed group is successfully stored.


Status: 400

In case of unhandled error while fetching the IDP configuration or if required parameters are missing.


Status: 401

Returned if the user does not have system admin permission.



Replaces a managed group associated with the Identity Provider.

The authenticated user must have the SYS_ADMIN permission to call this resource.


Use this method to replace name of a managed group



Request Options (parameters):

  • groupToReplace - name of group to replace

  • idpid- Identity Provider that contains the group to replace

Request Body:


Status: 204

Returned if the managed group is successfully replaced.


Status: 400

In case of unhandled error while fetching the IDP configuration or if required parameters are missing.


Status: 401

Returned if the user does not have system admin permission.


Status: 404

Returned if the managedGroup does not exist in the Identity provider.



Checks whether KSSO managed group exists for a specific IDP (Identity Provider) configuration

The authenticated user must have the SYS_ADMIN permission to call this resource.



Example: GET https://<atlassian-product-base-url>/rest/ksso/api/idp/1.0/managedgroups/ <idpId>/groups/<managedgroupName>


Status: 204

Returns empty response with 204 code if the specified managed group is found in the IDP configuration


Status: 400

In case of unhandled error while fetching the IDP configuration or if required parameters are missing.


Status: 401

Returned if the user does not have system admin permission




Removes a managed group from the specified IDP (Identity Provider).

The authenticated user must have the SYS_ADMIN permission to call this resource.


This method is restricted to sysadmin users only. If the specified IDP is not found, a BAD_REQUEST response is returned. If the managed group is not found within the IDP, a NOT_FOUND response is returned. If the removal is successful, a NO_CONTENT response is returned.


Example:https://<atlassian-product-base-url>/rest/ksso/api/idp/1.0/managedgroups/ <idpid>/groups/<managedGroupName>

Request Options (parameters):

  • managedGroupName - name of group to remove

  • idpid- Identity Provider that contains the group to remove


Status: 204

Returned if the managed group is successfully removed.


Status: 400

In case of unhandled error while fetching the IDP configuration or if required parameters are missing.


Status: 401

Returned if the user does not have system admin permission.


Status: 404

Returned if the managedGroupName does not exist in the Identity provider.