Kantega SSO 5.7.0 REST API
This is a legacy documentation page for an older version of Kantega SSO. See the latest version of the REST API documentation here: Kantega SSO Enterprise REST API
Starting with version 5.2 Kantega SSO Enterprise introduces REST API for managing plugin configuration. Our plugin exposes REST resources under the /ksso/api
The latest Kantega SSO REST API offers the following resources:
There is a neat plugin from Atlassian for discovery and testing of REST services that you can use for running requests on your Jira installation, you can get it here:
You can find our APIs by searching for ksso/api and uncheck the “show only public APIs” checkbox.
1. General plugin information
On the resource /rest/ksso/api/info/1.0/ping, you can perform GET requests to check the liveness of Kantega SSO Enterprise.
Returns a HTTP 200 with a JSON document when Kantega SSO Enterprise is alive:
"datetime": "2022-04-09T05:10:06.160+02:00[Europe/Oslo]",
"response": "pong",
"timestamp": 1649473806160
2. Snapshots of Config
The available services under /rest/ksso/api/snapshot are:
Resources under /rest for sysadmin | HTTP method | Description |
ksso/api/snapshot/1.0/config/snapshot/ | GET | Returns a list of available snapshots |
ksso/api/snapshot/1.0/config/snapshot/ | POST | Saves a snapshot of the Kantega SSO configuration, with optional description |
ksso/api/snapshot/1.0/config/snapshot/restore/{id} | POST | Restores snapshot with id |
Returns a list of available snapshots like
"applicationName": "JIRA",
"applicationVersion": "8.16.1",
"pluginVersion": "5.2.1-SNAPSHOT",
"baseUrl": "https://elisor-p1:8443/jira",
"timeMillis": 1641298623998,
"description": "test",
"filename": "sso-snapshot-2022-01-04-13_17_04.zip",
"id": "sso-snapshot-2022-01-04-13_17_04",
"readable": true
"applicationName": "JIRA",
"applicationVersion": "8.16.1",
"pluginVersion": "5.2.1-SNAPSHOT",
"baseUrl": "https://elisor-p1:8443/jira",
"timeMillis": 1641224273947,
"description": "Backup before upgrade of config from version [unknown version] to 5.2.1-SNAPSHOT",
"filename": "sso-snapshot-2022-01-03-16_37_53.zip",
"id": "sso-snapshot-2022-01-03-16_37_53",
"readable": true
Without parameter will automatically generate a description like:
You can also provide a description to tag the snapshot with more info:/rest/ksso/api/snapshot/1.0/config/snapshot/?description=test-snapshot-2021-12-01
Restores the snapshot with id sso-snapshot-2021-12-02-19_51_50. The description does not affect the id, so it’s best to retrieve the id of a snapshot with a specific description by running GET /rest/ksso/api/snapshot/1.0/config/snapshot/
and filtering the results with a specific description.
3. API Tokens
Resources under /rest/ksso/api/apitokens/2.0
Resources under /rest for sysadmin | HTTP method | Description |
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/admin/delete/{id} | DELETE | Deletes the token with the given ID. Requires system administrator access. |
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/admin/tokens | GET | Returns a list of all API tokens in the system. |
Resources under /rest for user | ||
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/user/tokens | GET | Returns a list of all API tokens for the logged in user |
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/user/tokens | POST | Accepts a JSON body with an entry like below, or an empty JSON body where default values are generated. The default is 30 day expiry and description api_token_<ISO formatted timestamp> {
} |
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/user/delete/{id} | DELETE | Deletes the token with the given ID and returns plain text with a confirmation. |
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/user/expiry/status | GET | Accepts an API token ID in a query parameter as ?id Returns a JSON body with data about the expiry status for the given API token. |
ksso/api/apitokens/2.0/user/refresh | PUT
| Accepts a json body like below with the secret, or using the API token in the Authorization header if present and the JSON body is empty.
as an admin user
resulting in:
Due to a bug in the new 2.0 API Token REST service, the tokenName
field is actually returned as description
on GET (which was the format on version 1.0), while the true reflection of the data is present in the return on POST and in the GUI. The intention is however that the tokenName
field now will reflect the attribute in the GUI, while description
now is an added optional free-text field. This will be fixed in a patch version soon. See the token list in the GUI for a truly reflected version of the token list.
with authorization header logging in user Authorization Basic john.doe:<password/api token>
Logged in user john.doe gives all the tokens belonging to john.doe:
Due to a bug in the new 2.0 API Token REST service, the tokenName
field is actually returned as description
on GET (which was the format on version 1.0), while the true reflection of the data is present in the return on POST and in the GUI. The intention is however that the tokenName
field now will reflect the attribute in the GUI, while description
now is an added optional free-text field. This will be fixed in a patch version soon. See the token list in the GUI for a truly reflected version of the token list.
With request body to create token with custom description and duration
resulting in HTTP 201:
With empty JSON body for default values
{}resulting in HTTP 201:
With validForever for non-expiring token
resulting in HTTP 201:
results in:
HTTP 200
Due to a bug in the new 2.0 API Token REST service, the tokenName
field is actually returned as apiTokenDescription
on expiry status GET (which was the format on version 1.0), while the true reflection of the data is present in the return on POST and in the GUI. The intention is however that the tokenName
field now will reflect the attribute in the GUI, while description
now is an added optional free-text field. This will be fixed in patch version 5.7.1 soon. See the token list in the GUI for a truly reflected version of the token list.