Changes in Jira v6.10.0, Confluence v3.10.0
11:20 CET
Internal versioning: V2025.02.02 0EEAE588
Changed name from Allowed user domains to Matching user domains
Increased the amount of scheduled logs that can be stored from 5 to 25 per schedule
Changes in Jira v6.9.0, Confluence v3.9.0
10:50 CET
Internal versioning: V2025.02.01 9696D43A
New features
New Selection criteria for cleanups: Now able to specify email domains for users with Allowed user domains.
Internal improvements for better automated tests
Changes in Jira v6.8.0, Confluence v3.8.0
10:45 CET
Internal versioning: V2025.01.04 EF325C56
Improves the User experience by changing the All filter in the Live users page to not needing to click the search button to take effect
Changes in Jira v6.7.0, Confluence v3.7.0
13:00 CET
Internal versioning: V2025.01.03 6C797648
Bug fixes
Fixes problem where users could not submit valid API TOKENS for old user management sites
Changes in Jira v6.6.0, Confluence v3.6.0
08:40 CET
Internal versioning: V2025.01.02 D15B2B8F
The application now shows errors in a better way
Changes in Jira v6.5.0, Confluence v3.5.0
15:30 CET
Internal versioning: V2025.01.01 23DE7E7A
Bug fixes
OLD USER MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE No longer shows “User removed” on creation date for sites with old-user management experience
Fixed a flaw with timezones and 12 hour format not being set correctly
New features
It is now possible to filter on activity level in the live user page. The dashboard also links directly to it
It is now possible to see the next 100 scheduled time slots for a given scheduled cleanup
Removed separate history modals in favour of linking to history page
User Access admins are now also default set as protected groups
Changes in Jira v6.4.0, Confluence v3.4.0
16:00 CET
Internal versioning: V2024.12.01 CD3CCAB6
Bug fixes
Fixed chrashes when a site has a product activated, but without any active users
New features
It is now possible to pause and continue jobs through the dark-actions in feedback page
Paused jobs, that has failed, will now automatically be started again
Now surfaces API errors to the users when they get an error when adding credentials
New support link
Changes in Jira v6.3.0, Confluence v3.3.0
12:20 CET
Internal versioning: V2024.11.04 B6AB9D9A
OLD USER MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Added additional checks for wether an organization has the new or the old user management experience
Changed endpoints for retrieving a user’s email address
Changes in Jira v6.2.0, Confluence v3.2.0
16:00 CET
Internal versioning: V2024.11.03 E06955E5
Improve metrics and logging
Changes in Jira v6.2.0, Confluence v3.2.0
11:00 CET
Internal versioning: V2024.11.02 208300BB
Bug fixes
Fix bug where external users could not have their license removed in the Users table
Changes in Jira v6.1.0, Confluence v3.1.0
09:20 CET
Internal versioning: V2024.11.01 CF4552F5
Major release requiring manual update
This is because of the changes needed for data-residency support and fetching of user emails
No longer need to set licensing groups, they will be found automatically
New and improved licensing graph on the dashboard page
New features
Data residency support.
The app should now respect the pinned realm set for the organisation
User emails in Users page
IDP CSV generation support
Can now configure what IDP that is set up
It is possible to generate CSV files per group if user provisioning is enabled
Deactivation of managed users is now supported as a new action in cleanups
New selection criteria: User type managed/external
It is now possible to only select managed or external users in a cleanup