Analyze user activity

Analyze user activity

There are two ways to find user activity information in the Automated User Cleanup & Deactivator app.

  • High level activity snapshots can be a useful tool for conversations with department managers across the organisation for an IT admin looking to avoid the company’s users to be locked out of the software due to hitting the license roof or to estimate future demand ahead of a software upgrade or budget planning.

  • Detailed information about user activity can be useful when an auditor or regulatory authority ask for evidence that only people who have a legitimate reason have digital access to your company’s Jira/Confluence instance.

See also Restrieve logs of previous cleanup jobs

Get high-level overview from the dashboard

The dashboard is designed to give you high-level overview of user activity.

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Browse User activity

Run a manual cleanup with Inactive Threshold:0 to create a view of your user database. Then load this cleanup in the Users page.

Run manual cleanup with Inactive Threshold:0

Goto Scheduling and cleanup, open an existing cleanup or add a new Schedule. Configure selection criterias, and enter 0 in Inactive threshold. Select action Add to list for review, save and start cleanup (Run now or Dry run).

Setting 0 days will include login dates including today.
This feature only works with “Add to list for review” cleanup action.

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View user activity in Users page

When the job is completed, follow the link Go to results.

The page User information will open with the latest cleanup selected.

You can filter the view by several criterias to view activity of specific users in the Users page.

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