[Legacy] Bitium

[Legacy] Bitium

This guide is for an older version of Kantega SSO Enterprise and is no longer maintained. New guides are here: https://kantega-sso.atlassian.net/l/c/rNTaTonz .

Open the Bitium admin console. Navigate to Apps, then select Add an App. Search for and select saml sp:

  • Give your application a name.

  • Select your preferred Type. E.g. Individual Account.

  • Press Install App.

Assign users (subscribers) that will be able to use the app:

  • Select Assign Users.

  • Select the preferred accounts.

  • Choose a username for the selected accounts.

  • Press Done.

Go to Kantega SSO in a separate browser tab. Add a new identity provider and select “Bitium” from the drop down:

In the Prepare step, Copy the ACS URL.

Go back to the Bitium admin console browser tab. In Apps Overview, select the App you just created.

  • Select Single Sign-on.

  • Paste the ACS URl from Kantega SSO step into SAML URL field.

Next, obtain the Bitium identity provider metadata file:

  • If your Atlassian server has Internet access, copy the metadata URL (preferred)

  • If your Atlassian server does not have Internet access, download metadata as a file.

Go back to the KSSO setup wizard and import the metadata from Bitium in the metadata import step:

On the location step, give the Identity Provider a name (this name will be visible to end users when logging in). Press Next.

Review the imported signing certificate. (This step is purely informational.)

  • Select whether users already exist or if you wish to have users automatically created upon login.

  • Note that for users to be created, a name, username and an email must be sent in the SAML response.

  • Optionally assign a default group for new users.

  • Review the Summary.

  • Press Finish.

You may now test Bitium login.


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