[Legacy] Auth0

[Legacy] Auth0

This guide is for an older version of Kantega SSO Enterprise and is no longer maintained. New guides are here: https://kantega-sso.atlassian.net/l/c/rNTaTonz .

Start by clicking “Add new identity provider" and select “Auth0” from the drop-down:

In the prepare step, Copy the ACS URL/ Entity ID (the URLs are identical). They are used in a later step:

Open the Auth0 admin console in a separate browser tab. Navigate to Dashboard and select "New Client":

  • Give the Client a name

  • Select "Regular Web Applications"

  • Press Create

Go to the Addons tab  and select SAML 2.0:

Paste the ACS URL from the Prepare step into Application Callback URL:


Add audience and recipient (Use the ACS URL from the Prepare step). Press Save, then close the Client setup:

Configure Federation Metadata. Go to Settings:

  • Press "Show Advanced Settings"

  • Press "Endpoints"

  • Copy the SAML Metadata URL

Move back to the Kantega SSO wizard and go to the metadata import step. Paste the metadata URL from Auth0 and press Next.

On the Location step, give the IDP a name (the name will be shown to end users when logging in). Then press next.

Verify the certificate and fingerprint, then click next.

Select whether user accounts already exist, or if you wish to have users automatically created upon login:

Click next. Review the summary page, then finally click Finish.

You can now test the Auth0 provider.