Here is a quick guide to the functionality of our app.
The image view
This is the default method of sharing Figma designs in Confluence with our app. It gives a preview of the design, with several options that to enhance the viewer's experience.
A: The title of the Figma file that is shared.
B: The shared design.
C: Shortcut to the shared design in Figma. It opens in a new tab in your browser.
Note: For privately shared files, you will need to have a Figma user to access the actual file in Figma.
D: Download the shared design in different formats. Perfect for PowerPoint presentations and stuff.
E: View the shared design in fullscreen. Also, offer the ability to zoom in on all the details.
F: Toggle view or hide comments given in Figma.
G: Time since the file was last modified by a user in Figma.
H: The username of the person who shared the design in Confluence.
I: The comments in Figma that are connected to the shared design. The comments panel will not include comments connected outside the shared design in the same Figma file.
The link view
This alternative view provides a shortcut to the shared design. It will only show the title of the Figma file Perfect to use in tables.
The edit panel
This is the panel where you can specify how to share design. It will show if you click the edit button when the Confluence page is in edit mode.
A: Here, you can choose whether you will view the shared design with the Image view and Link view, as described above.
B: This is where you paste the sharing URL. If you paste a sharing URL from Figma directly in Confluence, the URL will show automatically when you enter the edit panel.
C: This is the preview area. It shows how the Confluence page will display the shared design. Note that even though all the buttons are disabled in the edit panel, they will be enabled on the published page
D: Click Insert to share the Figma design in Confluence.