Enable SSO-Verified Anonymeos Access in KSSO to allow users who do not have Jira or Confluence accounts to access JIRA/Confluence anonymously while still benefiting from the security features of Single Sign-On. This enables your organization to save on license costs while maintaining secure access to all your content.
SSO-verification means that the users are not accessing Jira or Confluence truly anonymously since their identity is known. A session cookie is created the same way as in a regular login, except that the session is not related to a local user in the host product. With this feature enabled, it's important to note that truly public content is restricted. Accessing any content now mandates users to have an active session, ensuring a more controlled and secure environment.
Configure SSO-verified Anonymous Access in Kantega SSO Enterprise
Anonymous access must be enabled in Jira/Confluence for this feature to work. Edit permissions in Jira/Confluence to enable anonymous access .
Example in Jira and Confluence
Users that require editing rights will have to be provisioned with a license group in Jira/Confluence. This way only the users needing to edit will consume a license while those not created in Jira/Confluence will be given an anonymous access session as fallback.
Step - by -step Guide
Select Identity Providers in the KSSO menu and choose the applicable Identity Provider in the overview page.
Enable SSO-Verified Anonymous Access in Kantega SSO Enterprise.
Enable Force login in Kantega SSO Enterprise – SSO is applied to all URLs.
Configure Known domains in Kantega SSO Enterprise.
You can trust the Identity Provider to log in users only from the known domains, but fallback to SSO-Verified Anonymous Access for other users.See also how to make users not in known domains stay anonymous.
Configure SSO-verified Anonymous Access in Kantega SSO Enterprise
Select Identity Providers in the KSSO menu. The Identity Provider overview page is shown.
Choose the Identity provider you want to configure, then select SETTINGS → SSO-Verified Anonymous Access. Enable the switch SSO-verify anonymous access.
As pointed out in the above screen, Anonymous access must be enabled in the Atlassian product (here JIra Jira or confluenceConfluence) for this feature to work. Open administration of Permission schemes in your product and check that Anonymous access is enabled.
Example: In Jira, grant permissions to group, Anyone on the web to allow anonymous access
Configuring related settings in Kantega SSO Enterprise
The Group Memberships settings allow configuring conditions for when the user is created. This can be configured fluently with SSO-verified Anonymous Access. For example, you can configure a policy in which users and group memberships are created automatically for all users logging in and belonging to the editor
group in your identity provider. In contrast, all other users will fall back to “anonymous access” after logging in with SSO.
User login with IDP