Open the Bitium admin console. Navigate to Apps, then select Add an App. Search for and select saml sp:

Assign users (subscribers) that will be able to use the app:

Go to Kantega SSO in a separate browser tab. Add a new identity provider and select “Bitium” from the drop down:

In the Prepare step, Copy the ACS URL.

Go back to the Bitium admin console browser tab. In Apps Overview, select the App you just created.

Next, obtain the Bitium identity provider metadata file:

Go back to the KSSO setup wizard and import the metadata from Bitium in the metadata import step:

On the location step, give the Identity Provider a name (this name will be visible to end users when logging in). Press Next.

Review the imported signing certificate. (This step is purely informational.)

You may now test Bitium login.