1. Display name

Choose a name for your identity provider. This is the user-facing name, so choose a name your users will recognize. This value can be changed later.

2. Prepare IDP

Copy the Callback URL. You will need this when configuring GitHub.

Configure GitHub

Access your GitHub Enterprise organization from https://github.com/settings/organizations. Make sure you are logged in as a user with admin privileges to the organization.

Click settings.


Click New OAuth App in the upper right corner.

Fill in the details. Paste the callback URL copied from the prepare step into the Authorization callback URL field.

Click Register application.

Keep the Client ID and Client Secret for a later step, but go back to the Kantega SSO Setup for now.

Go back to the Kantega SSO setup wizard, step 3 Metadata.

3. Metadata

In the Metadata step, replace the {idp_url} placeholder in the Discovery URL with xxx

4. Scopes

These are the scopes we were able to fetch from the metadata. You can add scope values from a list, start typing to add your own or unselect them. A minimum of one scope value is required.


5. Credentials

6. Summary

Check that everything looks good and submit your setup (smile)



Test that the log in with GitHub works as expected. This will help identify if there are any issues with the configuration. Follow the steps to perform the login test.
