We are pleased to announce Kantega SSO Enterprise 6.24.

Compatible applications

In general, the latest version of Kantega SSO Enterprise is compatible with the oldest version that has not been ended of life. See Atlassian’s End-of-life (EOL) policy to get an overview of versions and EOL dates.


Changes in 6.24.1

13:30 CEST

Release summary: API token legacy backup fix and other fixes


  • Make it possible to edit and change SCIM directory without renaming it.

  • Introduce crowd server config in dark features (/plugins/servlet/no.kantega.kerberosauth.kerberosauth-plugin/dark-features) that allows you to specify whether a connected user directory is an Atlassian crowd directory or a Jira directory impersonating crowd. Useful to avoid noisy logs that occur when crowd calls expect an Atlassian crowd that is actually a connected Jira crowd directory.

Bug fixes

  • During upgrade from an older version using a different database table for API tokens (like version < 4.2.4 or version < 5.7.0), the backup of configuration did not include the older data before migrating. As a result, if rolling back to the older version, these data were lost.

  • Thunderbird was not connecting through CalDAV with API Tokens due to header not set correctly with status code 207 after authentication.

  • SAML test on disabled identity provider didn’t work, because read SAML private key was disabled when the SAML provider config was disabled.

Changes in 6.24.0

09:00 CET

Release summary: Improved SAML login performance. Other minor fixes and improvements


  • Introduced cache to improve login performance

  • Add TRACE log to better understand user cleanup searches

  • Allow JSM logins to land on URLs starting with /plugins/servlet/

  • Better handling of delete and rename of existing SCIM directories.

Bug fixes

  • Allow header authentication to work alone without having other SSOs configured